Thursday, October 28, 2010

Someone throw me a life vest!!!!

Hi all, just checking in! Ihave been so inspired and busy with so many crafts this month...I have had no time to keep up with my blog. So I am going to do a quick recap of some of the things I have been working, quick and simple things that have kept me so underwater I can hardly breathe...BUT I LOVE IT!!!
Here we go:

Sports Tutus

Headboard, Bench, and Pillow for SweetPeas Room

Old headboard from my Mom's

Christmas Tutus

Embroidered applique shirts

Cake Carriers

So, as you can see, I'm just about to drown in tulle, vinyl, fabric and glue...someone save me from myself!!! I'm out of control!!! Is there a 12 step program for someone like me??? Happy Halloween!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bon anniversaire!...a Marie birthday party!! baby turned 5 a few weeks ago...I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday (at least the day before yesterday) that I was sitting in the hospital waiting for this precious angel to be born. Born to a devastated Coast that had been destroyed by that awful Katrina. Homes were destroyed, my hospital had just reopened to delivering babies, and life around town was basically as bad as it could get ...but at least we had a home to come back to, we were the lucky ones. Not to mention, we had 3 beautiful children that were healthy, safe and sound. Speed forward 5 years and I now have a gorgeous child, with the personality that could charm a criminal. She is the funniest, sweetest, happiest gal you've ever met. However, along with the devastation of that awful "K" word, came a wild streak in my little one. I blame it on all the hormones and anxiety I had during the last few weeks of waiting for her. She is the most head strong, tumultuous, purposeful girl you have ever met. Wild as a March hare, I always say; she plays hard and loves strong. She is an absolute joy to have in our lives.

So, what type of party would a spirited little thing like this ask for on her 5th birthday??? How about Marie from the Aristocats?? REALLY??? My girls always do this to me...the absolute hardest thing to find and put together is what they want...have you ever tried to find anything with Marie??? IMPOSSIBLE!!! In addition, she wanted the party at a local cupcake shop, that her Aunt (mind you, the Aunt with no children who has no idea how expensive children's parties really are) had talked her into. So off I went to put this impossible thing together....oh Hobby I love thee...look at how it turned out....

If you have seen my previous birthday parties for the girls, you'll notice I love to use scrapbook paper for place mats...I love the way they look and it's very inexpensive. Throw in a boa and you have a very girly look!

Eiffel Tower compliments of Hobby Lobby!! It was her favorite thing!!

We used tiaras and BIG diamond rings for party favors, the boys had pirate eye patches and earrings...(we figured that would be what Toulouse and Berlios would wear at a party)

This was my first attempt at tissue paper pom poms...LUV THEM!!!

My sister made the cake...isn't it precious!!

I hope you have enjoyed our birthday party...we loved how it turned out and she had a great day with her friends. Bonne journee!!!