Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Give Thanks....my mantel is done!!!

I think I can truthfully say, I am leaving my mantel alone...I have it decorated for Thanksgiving and I am not touching it again (except to change out the pictures in the frames) until the Christmas decorations are brought down from the attic...I think I have a real problem, I just can't stop myself when it comes to decorating my mantel. Nit picker queen is what I have resorted to calling myself....I just have to walk away!!! Now, I would love to see all of my followers' Fall mantels...please leave a comment with your blog link so I can have a look. Maybe if I look at other's I'll quit obsessing over mine...I may have a REAL PROBLEM!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your mantle is beautiful, I was piddling with mine yesterday for a post later today. How much fun!
    Please stop by and leave a link on ND Kitchen’s treats page!
